Standard products

Filter By

B (mm) : Width of bearing

B (mm) : Width of bearing

L (mm) : Total length of screw

L (mm) : Total length of screw

Static load capactiy (N)

Static load capactiy (N)

Dynamic load capactiy (N)

Dynamic load capactiy (N)

P (mm) : Pitch

P (mm) : Pitch

D (mm) : Out. diam. of nut

D (mm) : Out. diam. of nut

B (mm) : Width of nut

B (mm) : Width of nut

There is 1 product.
Showing 1-1 of 1 item(s)

Active filters

  • B (mm) : Width of bearing: 12
  • Static load capactiy (N): 50
  • Static load capactiy (N): 132

Linear Bearings - DBL 408X

d (mm) : In. diam. of bearing 4   D (mm) : Out. diam. of bearing 8   B (mm) : Width of bearing 12   Static load capactiy (N) 50   Dynamic load capactiy (N) 44
Price 16.65 USD

The minimum purchase order quantity for the product is 10.